
This is the end of my 4th day of spring break.  It’s been pretty
low-key, relaxing, and enjoyable.  Been watching a whole bunch of
movies as I often do.  So far it’s been…. Hearts in Atlantis, The Bourne Supremacy, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, and I’m in the process of finishing One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
I really like this one, the characters are really really funny although
it’s portrayal of the treatment of mentally-ill patients is like…….
30 years behind it’s time (so instead of 1963 it’s like…. pre-WWII…
but *shrug* art I guess?).  Hopkins is good in Hearts, I remember
how much I like the 2nd Bourne movie now, House of Flying Daggers
is…. so-so, the ending and the plot-development is pretty blah, and
actually, the kung-fu is really really second-rate.  It’s really a
terrible fall from … HERO!  Hero is one of the best movies
ever.  Oh man, so good.

Tuesday I had a dental appointment and went to Lunch with Mom at Vinny
T’s in Lexington (I really don’t like the new name; Vinny Testa’s
sounded more authentic… now it just sounds cheap… but the foods
decent!) after we went to Old Navy and some stores to look for framing
supplies.  Been running; I did a double-session…
yesterday.  I woke up and ran 2+ miles around 10ish, ate
breakfast, then after watching Hero, went to Lexington and ran a 6 x
200m workout on the outdoor track there.  It was REALLY
cold.  Today I went up to Andover and went running in
the Cage (4 x 300), showered, then went to see Firewall (Harrison Ford
movie) with Kate and Mike Li.  Afterwards, we ate dinner at Fresh
City.  It’s been fun.

I’ve become more and more aware of how not-worth-it my life is when I
don’t have God.  Tomorrow is a real, legit, committed day because
I’m kinda… through with myself, sick with myself, tired of myself not
being as committed.  I mean it too.  It’s time to get back on
the road, really.

4 responses to “Hoo-rah

  1. first to comment!! glad you’ve had time to just kick back… hope you get some quality one-on-one time with God tomorrow 🙂

  2. house of flying dagger? i watched that in the theatre, i wanted my 2 hrs back.

  3. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i totally agree with you about house of flying daggers!!! everyone loves it.. but i hate it!! well.. you think it’s so-so…:)

  4. double session. yeesh. o.O
    haha, my dad was practically in love with hero when he got it. [shakes head] i guess i’ll see it eventually or something.
    best of luck recommitting.

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